Some of the changes I wanted to implement included the option of simple attachments to make a tandem frame as well as room for extra long chain stays (for cargo bikes).. The room for long chain stays was easy I simply left the main spine of the jig as long as possible.. A handful of people have posted photos of Arctos style jigs that they have built.. The simplistic, functional and approachable design seemed like an obvious choice for me.. With the Arctos model at the core of my design I started out to make changes to suit my specific needs. Html And Javascript Projects With Source Code

Some of the changes I wanted to implement included the option of simple attachments to make a tandem frame as well as room for extra long chain stays (for cargo bikes).. The room for long chain stays was easy I simply left the main spine of the jig as long as possible.. A handful of people have posted photos of Arctos style jigs that they have built.. The simplistic, functional and approachable design seemed like an obvious choice for me.. With the Arctos model at the core of my design I started out to make changes to suit my specific needs. 0041d406d9 Html And Javascript Projects With Source Code

Chopper Frame Blueprints Pdf To Word

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I designed specific parts of my jig as I built them I prototyped as I constructed so you wouldn’t have to.. I did not draw the entire jig in CAD I used a variety of specific drawings and views to produce everything.. Built a very close replica he called the “Arctos Clone Frame Fixture” His photos and descriptions were helpful and inspiring. Free Online Casino Slots Machine Games

Html And Javascript Projects With Source Code

Chopper Frame Blueprints Pdf To Word